Monday, August 23, 2010

Goathead Gotchas or Puncturevine Blues

If I go back to my botany this plant is properly named Tribulus terrestris. And every summer into fall I call it the flat season and remind myself to take that bottle of weed killer however illegal it is and kill the patch before it infests my favorite ride. But with the cool time in the early summer I got lulled into complacency and didn't look until it was too late. And the heat has brought my nemesis into fruition with great vigor. And yes, there is a organic way to control this. The USDA has imported a weevil and judging by the amount of control works really well.
This weed is deemed noxious by Colorado law and is supposed to be controlled by the authorities. We can get back at it by using it as an infusion in a tea as Wiki says it is purported to be a natural testosterone enhancer. Ask Floyd.
So what is a rider to do. Try the flat proof tires? High tech liners made out of unobtanium and impossible to install? The green snot hasn't worked for me and have you ever tried getting it in? Thornproof tubes work for a while but eventually give up. As a commuter in the past I had some wire scrubbers that just floated above the tire and would pull out the goathead before it was pushed into the tire fully. Or learn to recognise the plant and avoid it.
Any time the farmers or oil field guys are in and out of the fields watch out. Stay away from the Highline canal as Denver water drives the trucks and have infested the whole path. When a pu truck sounds like it has studded tires after driving thru the dirt beware.
So goodluck and let me know if you have any great suggestions.

Friday, May 14, 2010

New Sport B.O.B.

Alot of you who may spend hours on the bike like us (Brent and Beth) have come to enjoy a new aspect of our riding called B.O.B. That is the acronym for birding on bikes. We have seen countless bird watchers on the Platte with their binoculars walking to see the few Canadian Geese in the water or pooping on the trail. I don't have the heart to tell them another mile downstream is the bufflehead or merganser. Judging by the physique they wouldn't make it. And to think bird watching is America's favorite activity.We do enjoy the early morning rooster on CR 8 along with the hen's on 88th north of Bennet. How about the roosting turkey vultures in Meeker watched from the balcony of the Meeker Inn. And the pheasants along Cherry Creek. Had three tom turkeys run in front of us along the river road to Moab three weeks back. Beth's favorite are the meadowlarks. Especially when we haven't heard or seen anything for miles out on the plains. Ask Tom F about his favorite Mallard at Wash Park. The hummers are fun at the checkpoint along the peak to peak. And the mountain bluebirds are fantastic if you can see them. That's what all of the little nesting houses are for in the mountains. Couple of years ago we were treated to a falcon diving along the face of Lookout Mountain. Not just once, but twice. Took my breath away. Maybe that was just me pedaling up the hill. And the list of raptors out on the plains is long. I keep trying to identify them from the silhouettes but I fail due to my need to keep my eyes on the road. Maybe Beth will carry some binoculars in back. Have you ever chased a roosting hawk along the power lines? Great fun. And I almost forgot to mention my favorites, the pelicans. These grand birds migrate by using the cumulus clouds to gain altitude and move to all parts of the US. Imagine flying at 35,000 ft and seeing a flock of these guys. Easier to see around Windsor.So I've left off many sightings but your welcome to post about our new sport BOB.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Centurion Cycling GranFondo

So, has everyone gotten the email blast from this organization? What are your thoughts? We've talked about the Granfondos that started appearing in the US last year and have dismissed them. I take a deep breath and say live and let live.

But I still have questions.

1. How will this affect the publics perception with more on the road?
2. So how much is really given to charity?
3. So...just why do people need to pay money for something that is already offered by RMCC/RUSA for nominal costs?
4. Why in the US do we shorten the Euros granfondos to less than 200K? Same reason racing runs shorter?