2012 Super Contrail
July 21st -28th
Long awaited resurrection of Charlie's long running ride thru the mountains of Colorado. Originally designed as a training week for PBP and held 4 weeks before said 1200K, this is no longer a neccessity as brevet abound to give such plenty of training rides. So now we have repurposed this tour to just have fun and get to areas that are too far from Denver. And with tradition, sag vehicle and double occupancy keep the costs to a minimum. In the past for eight days of riding it has been ~$600 per rider.
This event I will start in Dillon to escape the regular rides we have out of Denver. 1st day riding downhill to Glenwood/Carbondale. Next over McClure Pass to Ridgeway. 3rd day epic rides over Red Mountain, Coal Bank and Molas to Durango. 4th day to Ignacio via Mancos. 5th day to South Park via Wolf Creek Pass.
6th day to Gunnison. 7th day Gunnison to Buena Vista via Cottonwood Pass. Last day Buena Vista to Dillon via Fremont Pass.