With the time change coming next Month, a new year starts for the"Wednesday Evening Ride". This will be my 17th year leading this event; time flies when you're having fun. This week appears to be rather cool; so as our weather improves hopefully we will be able to get out these coming weeks.
Again, I plan on either dividing the group up or keep together, depending on how large a group we have that night.
I have found that we have lost a few people this last year, because of the fast pace. By dividing the riders up, hopefully this will accomplish better riding groups. We are also going to promote safe cycling skills during these rides. This means maintaining safe speeds in multi-use areas, pointing out hazards along the way to other cyclist in the group and obeying the rules of the road (which I am guilty. This is still considered a social ride and I would like to think we can strive to maintain this.
I well continue to change the designated route each week. So, if you miss a week, you may also loose out riding your favorite route.
After each evening ride, people have the option of going to Hanson's Grill and Tavern, on the corner of Louisiana and Pearl St. As RMCC members and our "Wedsnesday Evening Riders, we will continue to receive 15% off non-special ordered items. This restaurant has worked out very well for us.
If you have questions, feel free to call or email me.
Lets make this another great year for cycling.
Happy Trails,