Sunday, March 1, 2015

Only Takes a Second

Spring time is upon us and there are plenty of obstacles to challenge a cyclist. Especially being cooped  up indoors for several weeks. That excitement of just being able to get on the road or mutli-use trail is overwhelming.
You can be sailing down a canyon road and hit that pot hole that you overlooked. On a multi-use trail, just missing that runner that turned around right in front of you. Or reaching for your cell phone as you are heading down the road or path at a fast pace.

Lastly in a group ride, trying to catch up to the group and not really paying attention to whats around you. Next thing you know, your flat on the ground and the bike is either functional or in several pieces.

We all have found ourselves in a similar situation. It's easy to overlook safe cycling skills in any of these examples. Over the years, leading off rides for RMCC, I have seen it all. Returned back to get in the vehicle, to collect a person and bike or in a few cases just the bike parts. I guess I really didn't wish to ride that day.

As we begin the season each year, it's easy to get sucked in the excitement of a group ride. Will I be able to keep up with the group? At what cost? What happens if I get dropped?

The bottom line, is that we all should take a moment and really think about where we are riding. What is the best or safest speed for that current route? Do I really know this route well enough to push my skill level to the max? Would I  also chance to endanger another person or persons?

There will always be hazards out on the road or multi-use trails that will challenge you. As a cyclist it really is important know the rules of the road. To practice good cycling skills. That goes for riding with a group or pace line as well. Learn to ride safe and safely. Remember that if you are with a weekend club training ride or weekday evening event. You represent the club or group that you are with.

Happy Trails,