Spring time is upon us and there are plenty of obstacles to challenge a cyclist. Especially being cooped up indoors for several weeks. That excitement of just being able to get on the road or mutli-use trail is overwhelming.
You can be sailing down a canyon road and hit that pot hole that you overlooked. On a multi-use trail, just missing that runner that turned around right in front of you. Or reaching for your cell phone as you are heading down the road or path at a fast pace.
Lastly in a group ride, trying to catch up to the group and not really paying attention to whats around you. Next thing you know, your flat on the ground and the bike is either functional or in several pieces.
We all have found ourselves in a similar situation. It's easy to overlook safe cycling skills in any of these examples. Over the years, leading off rides for RMCC, I have seen it all. Returned back to get in the vehicle, to collect a person and bike or in a few cases just the bike parts. I guess I really didn't wish to ride that day.
As we begin the season each year, it's easy to get sucked in the excitement of a group ride. Will I be able to keep up with the group? At what cost? What happens if I get dropped?
The bottom line, is that we all should take a moment and really think about where we are riding. What is the best or safest speed for that current route? Do I really know this route well enough to push my skill level to the max? Would I also chance to endanger another person or persons?
There will always be hazards out on the road or multi-use trails that will challenge you. As a cyclist it really is important know the rules of the road. To practice good cycling skills. That goes for riding with a group or pace line as well. Learn to ride safe and safely. Remember that if you are with a weekend club training ride or weekday evening event. You represent the club or group that you are with.
Happy Trails,
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Monday, February 2, 2015
Volunteering 2015
Volunteering 2015
I remember my first ride with RMCC. I knew no one, but I liked to ride. I had read about the ride online and showed up with some trepidation.
The ride leader was confident and friendly and asked if anyone was new. He had us introduce ourselves, welcomed the newcomers to the group, and explained the ride.
His friendliness made me feel welcome and encouraged me to come back. That is how I became involved in RMCC.
When Brent and I did our first 1200 the weather was deplorable! It ahs since been referred to as the "100 years rain" on the plains. We got back to Anton and I was freezing, wet and pre-hypothermic.
Standing by his car with a huge pot of Italian wedding soup on a camp stove was Eric Simmons. He was my "knight in shining armor". He handed me a mug of hot soup and gave me words of encouragement. His kindness in volunteering gave me the strength to finish the ride! I will never forget it or him!
I remember these two people distinctly. They helped me to be a volunteer for RMCC. Whenever I start a ride, or help with a longer event, I think about the kindness and encouragement that was given to me.
There is a joy in giving back, in taking time to help and ecourage others. Whether it is starting a ride and welcoming someone new, or being a smiling face with a warm meal when someone is exhausted, volunteering is very rewarding!
You can be the memorable one! The one who makes someone feel welcome on their first ride. The one who acts as a strong ride leader. The one who gives positive energy to someone who is drained in a longer event.
It is easy and quite rewarding to volunteer. This year we are even giving back to the volunteers with an awesome jersey! It can be earned easily, just by helping with leading rides or volunteering for longer events.
More than the jersey, you will get the joy and satisfaction of helping others. You will help others by giving back. You will help keep the vitality of RMCC. But most of all, you will help yourself.
To find out more about volunteer opportunities and how you can earn your awesome jersey contact one of the following:
Brent Myers ride leader coordinator
John Lee Ellis Brevet coordinator
Mark Lowe Challenge Series
7 Points. That's all it takes to earn our cool new jersey.
Ride leaders earn 1 pt for every ride start
Start a brevet and earn 2 points
Volunteer for Mark's Triple Crown events earn 3 points
1200K events earn 4 points per day
This is just a small way of rewarding our volunteers. We want to recognize the efforts that you put in to help make this a special club.
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Wednesday Evening Rides 2015
Hi All.....
With the time change coming next Month, a new year starts for the"Wednesday Evening Ride". This will be my 17th year leading this event; time flies when you're having fun. This week appears to be rather cool; so as our weather improves hopefully we will be able to get out these coming weeks.
Again, I plan on either dividing the group up or keep together, depending on how large a group we have that night.
I have found that we have lost a few people this last year, because of the fast pace. By dividing the riders up, hopefully this will accomplish better riding groups. We are also going to promote safe cycling skills during these rides. This means maintaining safe speeds in multi-use areas, pointing out hazards along the way to other cyclist in the group and obeying the rules of the road (which I am guilty. This is still considered a social ride and I would like to think we can strive to maintain this.
I well continue to change the designated route each week. So, if you miss a week, you may also loose out riding your favorite route.
After each evening ride, people have the option of going to Hanson's Grill and Tavern, on the corner of Louisiana and Pearl St. As RMCC members and our "Wedsnesday Evening Riders, we will continue to receive 15% off non-special ordered items. This restaurant has worked out very well for us.
If you have questions, feel free to call or email me.
Lets make this another great year for cycling.
Happy Trails,
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Got socks?

Most of you are familiar with socks made from Merino Wool. Over tens years ago, Patty and Peter started a company called Smartwool. Smartwool brought on board a full line of socks and base layer clothing made from Merino wool. After a period of success, they both took a break and, if I am correct, Smartwool was sold to Timberland.
I will tell you that I still own several Smartwool socks and base layer tops from when the Dukes owned the company. I have also turned many cyclist on to their products over the years; you start wearing socks made from Merino wool, you will not go back to anything else. A few years back, the "itch" returned for Patty and Peter - so to speak - and they started Point6, a Merino wool outlet.
I was pleased when I found out that the Dukes were back in business. I now have several pair of socks for work and cycling that I purchased from Point6. You will not be disappointed! These are the most comfortable socks you could wear. Not only that, you will not get the odor you experience with polyester socks.
I do not usually promote products, but the company offers well made socks that are comfortable and hold up very well. Please take an opportunity to visit their website "point6.com". Hopefully, there may be some base layer products in the future as well.
Happy Trails,
Thursday, January 16, 2014
2014 New Year's Day Century
Submitted by Jim Kraychy.
can’t stand riding a dirty bike. Dirt means you don’t care about
your bike. At the least, parts wear out faster, and replacements are
as much as riding a dirty bike, I hate cleaning bikes because of the
time it takes away from riding. Quite the conundrum it seems – I
much prefer riding than cleaning.
order to avoid downtime and mental anguish, I will go out of my way
to avoid puddles on a sunny day, or if possible, slow way down to
avoid splashing ( about 7 miles an hour or less is good ). Even will
bunny hop bad looking spots. All in effort to keep the bike clean as
are several stages of mental anguish in my head when conditions
become cruddy enough to start getting the bike dirty. First, rain or
snow starts falling ( no big deal, nothing is sticking to the
pavement yet ). Then the pavement starts to get noticeably damp (
still no big deal, not enough for anything to be thrown up on the
bike ). Then the road is wet ( again, no problem, isn’t
enough to get the bike dirty, still hoping to stave off the
inevitable entropy ). Next, there is enough water that the tires
start throwing up drops ( well, OK, maybe can get away with just
wiping things down ). Last come the full blown rooster tails ( that
means the whole bike will need to be cleaned now ).
your person, you first start feeling noticeably wet through your
clothes on your backside ( rear end, derriere, etc. ) from spray off
the rear tire. If you are drafting in a pack, then you are getting a
rooster tail right in the face ( have to clean the sunglasses now
also - sometimes riding off center helps a little, but you loose the
best draft and waste energy ).
the feet start feeling wet: spray from the front tire is deflected
off the down tube right on your feet ( have to clean the shoes now
also ). Then the shoes start filling up with water ( love that soggy,
squishy feeling [ sarcasm ] - worst case have to clean and dry the
shoes inside and out, usually by taking them in the shower, then
setting them out to dry for a few hours or overnight – but usually
do that about twice a year anyway ).
obviously fenders on the bike would help some, but your clothes are
still going to get wet, and the bike will still need maintenance in
this type of conditions, even though they help tremendously with
controlling rooster tails.
is no problem, have to do it anyway after every ride. Same with
showering. Bike cleaning, however, is added downtime. Mental angst
builds as the water and crud start flying, and the bike starts
getting really dirty ( going to have to spend major time cleaning it
now - pull the chain and cassette, drain the frame and rims, flush
the cable housings, empty the seat pack to clean and dry the
contents, etc. etc.). Arghh !.
after a time, if wet conditions continue, an epiphany of sorts is
reached: your clothes can’t get any wetter, you can’t get any
dirtier ( well, maybe ). And best of all, the bike can’t get any
more trashed, maintenance time stops increasing exponentially, and
reaches a plateau. Then the ride becomes really fun again !
out of many rides come to mind as memorable examples of wet, dirty
experiences: the 2001 Triple Bypass ( Bergen Park, Colorado to Avon,
in July ), the 2008 Boulder Roubaix Road Race ( in August ), and the
2014 RMCC New Years Day Century.
the Triple Bypass, it rained hard the last 30 miles, all the
way from the top of Vail Pass down to Avon. “Just” rain (
relatively clean actually ), but lots of it. Got soaked in about a
minute, and stayed that way. Had a blast working hard going downhill
to keep warm, trading off pulls in a pack of riders ( no way to keep
warm just sitting in drafting off the pack ). Really enjoyed the
sunshine in the park at the finish.
Roubaix is run on a mix of paved and mostly ( normally wonderful )
dirt roads in the triangle in between Boulder, Lyons, and Longmont.
That Saturday morning it was raining ( by mid day the rain had
stopped and skies had cleared – afternoon categories had dry
conditions ). Back then, the short course was used, maybe 8 miles per
lap ( ? ), and 5 or more laps ( depending on the category ).
the dirt section, a small puddle at a right hand sweeping corner grew
larger on each successive lap until it reached ¾ of the way across
the road ( enough that going through the puddle would shorten the
distance travelled by feet – significant in a race ). On the paved
section, I remember intentionally riding in the rooster tail
of the rider in front of me to try and clean off some of the dirt
from my face and water bottles so I could get a drink without
imbibing more crud than I had to.
the race, there was a gritty kind of fine sand everywhere: in
my eyes, in my ears, in my mouth, up my nose, etc. Even had a pile of
it built up on top of my head, kept in place by my helmet. Also had
some in my shorts, and felt like some got in where the sun
don’t shine. I actually stopped at a car wash on the way home to
start cleaning the bike. Used a whole can of WD-40 to flush all the
grit out of the shifter mechanisms, brake levers, and cable housings.
least that crud was relatively homogenous dirt, almost “clean”
in comparison to the 2014 New Years Day Century.
1st, 2014 was the twelfth anniversary of the Rocky
Mountain Cycling Club New Years Day Century. This ride, started by
Val Phelps, was first held in 2003. It was cancelled once ( 2007 )
and had to be postponed about a week or so ( becoming the “New
Years Century” ) three times ( 2008, 2011, and 2013 ) due to
adverse weather and / or unsafe road conditions. ( side note: Val has
since moved to Texas and doesn’t have to deal very much with winter
anymore ! ).
year, it was difficult to decide beforehand what to do with the ride,
go ahead as planned or postpone in hopes of better conditions.
Because of the conflicting weather forecasts on New Years Eve, it was
impossible to tell which would be the better day: Wednesday ( New
Years Day ), or the following Saturday ( January 5th ).
One forecast called for a greater chance of snow Wednesday, the other
Saturday. Not fair to people to cancel / postpone the ride on very
short notice ( i.e. the night before ) either. Decided to just wing
it, see what things looked like Wednesday morning at the ride start.
least 35 like minded riders showed up by the 8:00 start time, all
ready to go. Snow started falling as we got ready to ride. Just
before we started off it was beginning to accumulate in the parking
lot. Roads looked to be just damp, not wet enough for rooster tails.
No one seemed hesitant, so off we went.
didn’t deteriorate any further until up by the airport West of
Wadsworth. Saw a snow plow headed the opposite direction up on top of
The Wall above Superior. Snow was coming down harder up there. Road
was very wet. Got soaked coming down The Wall, continuing on Marshall
and Cherryvale into Boulder. I had fleeting thoughts of turning
around ( using hypothermia as an excuse ), but skies looked lighter
to the North towards Lyons, so onward.
started to dry out going through Boulder and North towards Lyons, and
were completely dry heading up and back down Rabbit Mountain. My
clothes actually dried out and I started warming up ( except for my
feet – no way shoes full of water will dry completely on such a
“short“ ride ), thanks to the climb and small patches of
became sloppy again, even worse than before, after we turned South on
CR19, when a snow squall coming in from the North East overtook us
from behind..
there in farm country, in the oil patch, there can be much more on
the pavement than just water. A mixture of the obvious water, with
snow, slush, sand, gravel, Magnesium Chloride, mud, oil ( you can see
the rainbow it forms in standing water ), clay, goose crap,
fertilizer ( excrement – smelled like spring time out there in Weld
County ), etc. makes for a perfect combination that really sticks to
everything. Tastes great too ( extreme sarcasm here ! ).
were finally able to outrun the storm using a rotating pace line (
felt like it took at least ten miles of riding in that slop ). Things
dried off for us again on Riverdale, and there was a little more
sunshine back at the Park-and-Ride to help warm up ( and bake on all
the crud ). By far the worst conditions in the history of the New
Years ride.
the truck, all the bike clothes went directly into a big plastic
garbage bag: shoes, helmet, all except the sunglasses ( don’t want
to scratch the lenses ). Everything must have weighed at least 5
pounds more than at the start. I’d bet about a pound of dirt stuck
to the bike.
at home, first a hot shower and then start the laundry. Helped to
pre-rinse all the clothes so the washer doesn’t get loaded up with
silt. Then the bike went into the shower ( don’t have access to a
garden hose at home in the winter ), first the front then rear wheel,
finally the frame. Only way to really get all that nasty stuff off is
with a scrub brush and lots of running warm water.
spent close to four and a half hours cleaning the bike this time,
re-lubing everything and fixing my flat. But, for the chance to ride
with a great group of people, screw the weather and crap on the road,
it was more than worth the cleaning time. In a group of riders,
everyone is in the same boat. So keep the negative thoughts out of
mind ( there are lots worse things in life than a little wind / wet /
crud / whatever ). No drama; turn off the brain, and just ride
harder. Afterwards you will be laughing about all the dirt and wet.
riding outdoors sure beats indoors on the trainer any day. And any
ride with a good group is a joy. A big thank you to all who came out
for a grand soirĂ©e. Glad we didn’t wait until Saturday to ride
the century, when the real snow storm arrived !
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Summer Super Contrail 2014
Summer Super Contrail 2014
June 14-21, 2014
2014 State Bridge route
Sat June 14th Day 1: Frisco to Buena Vista.
First pass of the week takes us through Breckenridge and over Hoosier Pass into the grand South Park Valley. Choosing to stay off of US 285 we will traverse to Hartsel and turn west on US24 to complete the day ending up in Buena Vista for our 1st day. Easy day to get the legs and bike warmed up.
Sun June 15th Day 2: Buena Vista to Crested Butte.
Cottonwood Pass tops out at 12,126 ft and includes the dirt section down to Taylor Park. From Taylor Park it is a nice descent to Almont where we turn right and continue on towards Crested Butte.
Monday June 16th Day 3: Crested Butte to Gunnison.
Big Day. Ascending Kebler Pass from Crested Butte is again on Colorado dirt but the reports are favorable. We connect up with CO 133 just below Paonia Reservoir and continue to Paonia and pick up CO 92 to Crawford. This is the north side of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison and is not often on tour routes. We then continue past blue Mesa Reservoir to Gunnison. Looking forward to this day.
Tuesday June 17th Day 4: Gunnison to Cedaredge.
Descending albeit a few rollers to Montrose, Delta and then to Cedaredge.
Wednesday June 18th Day 5: Cedaredge to Red Stone
Just a small McClure Pass to ascend and then to Red Stone. Really nice place to stay. Anyone need to get married?
Thursday June 19th Day 6: Riders Choice
Fishing on the Crystal? Sun tan by the pool? Glenwood hot springs? Ride to Maroon Bells?
Friday June 20th Day 7: Redstone to Leadville.
Brent's bday and a glorious ride over Independence Pass at 12,095 ft. What fun!
Saturday June 21st Day 8: Leadville to Frisco.
Beginning with Tennessee Pass to Minturn and then the short rise over Vail Pass to Copper Mountain and Frisco.
Ride with GPS has made the route available on Google. "ride with gps rocky mountain cycling club" Subscibers can just go to RockyMountainCyclingClub.
Contrails have been run for 20 years as a training ride and service to our members. We provide sag support and run this with double occupancy and meals are on your own. During the ride food in the sag is available to share. We like to call this "A ride with friends". Adequate training such as brevets or centuries are recommended to help enjoy your week on the bike. Please refer to past issues of RUSA and search saddle sores. This ride includes some Colorado dirt roads which, are not the first choice, do allow a rider to reach new rides and therefore have been included. 28C tires could be used for such. Sag is also the other option.
Refer to rmccrides.com to sign up. Must be RMCC member.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Out of Sight..
How many times, do you find yourself riding along and either look up and can not read the street sign or the route cue sheet that RMCC provides during the "Weekend Training Rides". You're not alone. I cannot remember the number of times someone has asked "What does this say?" Most people do not realize that there are options out there for those sunglasses we wear. And that is prescription lenses can be added to most brands. This includes glasses for other sport activities as well.
One firm that has advertised and offered pricing discounts to RMCC members is "Sports Optical".
Brett Hunter founded this company in 1993. "We do this differently then any other LensCrafter". For the optics, we use unique, proprietary formulas to adjust for the strength of you prescription, the curvature of the lenses and dimensions of the frame used. All lenses are made by hand. Nothing like that added personal touch.
I personally have had glasses from Sports Optical. I can remember bringing them in to Brett after I accidentally sat on them. Brett actually saved them. I really thought that my glasses were not repairable; boy was I surprised!
So if you are tired of squinting, trying to read something with out your corrected glasses, it may pay to look it to adding prescription lenses to your sports glasses. You never know what you could be missing!
Happy Trails,
One firm that has advertised and offered pricing discounts to RMCC members is "Sports Optical".
Brett Hunter founded this company in 1993. "We do this differently then any other LensCrafter". For the optics, we use unique, proprietary formulas to adjust for the strength of you prescription, the curvature of the lenses and dimensions of the frame used. All lenses are made by hand. Nothing like that added personal touch.
I personally have had glasses from Sports Optical. I can remember bringing them in to Brett after I accidentally sat on them. Brett actually saved them. I really thought that my glasses were not repairable; boy was I surprised!
So if you are tired of squinting, trying to read something with out your corrected glasses, it may pay to look it to adding prescription lenses to your sports glasses. You never know what you could be missing!
Happy Trails,
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