Sunday, January 5, 2014

Summer Super Contrail 2014

Summer Super Contrail 2014

June 14-21, 2014

                                          2014 State Bridge route
Sat June 14th Day 1:  Frisco to Buena Vista.

First pass of the week takes us through Breckenridge and over Hoosier Pass into the grand South Park Valley.  Choosing to stay off of US 285 we will traverse to Hartsel and turn west on US24 to complete the day ending up in Buena Vista for our 1st day.  Easy day to get the legs and bike warmed up.

Sun June 15th Day 2: Buena Vista to Crested Butte.

Cottonwood Pass tops out at 12,126 ft and includes the dirt section down to Taylor Park.  From Taylor Park it is a nice descent to Almont where we turn right and continue on towards Crested Butte.  

Monday June 16th Day 3:  Crested Butte to Gunnison.

Big Day.  Ascending Kebler Pass from Crested Butte is again on Colorado dirt but the reports are favorable.  We connect up with CO 133 just below Paonia Reservoir and continue to Paonia and pick up CO 92 to Crawford.  This is the north side of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison and is not often on tour routes.  We then continue past blue Mesa Reservoir to Gunnison.  Looking forward to this day.

Tuesday June 17th Day 4:  Gunnison to Cedaredge.

Descending albeit a few rollers to Montrose, Delta and then to Cedaredge.

Wednesday June 18th Day 5:  Cedaredge to Red Stone

Just a small McClure Pass to ascend and then to Red Stone.  Really nice place to stay.  Anyone need to get married?

Thursday June 19th Day 6:  Riders Choice

Fishing on the Crystal?  Sun tan by the pool?  Glenwood hot springs?  Ride to Maroon Bells?

Friday June 20th Day 7:  Redstone to Leadville.

Brent's bday and a glorious ride over Independence Pass at 12,095 ft.  What fun!

Saturday June 21st Day 8:  Leadville to Frisco.

Beginning with Tennessee Pass to Minturn and then the short rise over Vail Pass to Copper Mountain and Frisco.

Ride with GPS has made the route available on Google.  "ride with gps rocky mountain cycling club"  Subscibers can just go to RockyMountainCyclingClub.

Contrails have been run for 20 years as a training ride and service to our members.  We provide sag support and run this with double occupancy and meals are on your own.  During the ride food in the sag is available to share.  We like to call this "A ride with friends".  Adequate training such as brevets or centuries are recommended to help enjoy your week on the bike.  Please refer to past issues of RUSA and search saddle sores.  This ride includes some Colorado dirt roads which, are not the first choice, do allow a rider to reach new rides and therefore have been included.  28C tires could be used for such.  Sag is also the other option.

Refer to to sign up.  Must be RMCC member.

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